When applying for a personal loan, be sure to have as much information as possible available about your current personal finances. These include your current salary slip, identity document, physical address etc.
Any loan company will require as much information as possible about the potential client to protect them from any future non-payment issue and to be sure that they can find you if you do decide to skip an instalment. If you are thorough in your preparation and provide the loan company with all the information they require to offer you a personal loan, the chances of you getting personal loan is very good.
They look at your current credit commitments as well as our monthly salary and determine if you will be able to repay the loan you require. If not, they might do the calculations and offer you a smaller personal loan that will be within your budget.
When looking at applying for a personal loan, look at all the options on the table. Most of the banks in South Africa offer personal loans and look very carefully at how much they offer as well as repayment terms. These details vary and banks choose to offer customers different options, to make it as easy as possible to get that loan, but also to repay the terms monthly. We will be featuring all the banks that do offer this service on our website in the coming months, so be sure to check back soon.
The other option is to rather work with a lending company on an unsecured loan, but please note that generally their interest is higher, so be sure that you are able to repay the loan as stated in their terms and conditions.
Getting a personal loan is not an uphill battle, only be thorough and provide the loan company with the information they require.