Now when you are looking for a loan there is only one company out there you should contact and that is Wonga. They offer cash in a flash through their website and you can have the funds in your bank account within hours.
With Wonga, you can apply for a loan up to R3000 for first time lenders and R8000 for following up users. Just remember to lend responsibly, but know that Wonga is the best money lender currently in South Africa.
We have had allot of feedback from our subscribers to our mailing list regarding Wonga and they feedback in general are great regarding the service and response time as well as the repayment process. We try and provide people out there with reviews and hope this review helped you to decide if you want to apply for a loan.
It is very important for anyone looking for a personal loan, to make absolutely sure that they are able to afford the personal loan, since it is very easy to find yourself in debt if you aren't carefully planning your repayment within your budget.
Our advice is that you make sure that are able to afford the loan and work the instalment into your monthly budget, so that you can repay the loan within the specified terms.
With more and more people going into debt, we want to assist our readers in getting that loan and make sure that a personal loan assist our readers in doing that renovation or going on holiday, but not cause them to go into debt.